- LOCATION: Island of Cuba
- PROJECT: Beatriz López Memorial Fund
- DIRECTOR: Abdiel López
$28,800 Support to 24 pastors annual budget
$25,000 Church planting
$15,000 Training of New Pastors and leaders
$15,000 Micro-business startups for the auto sustainability of the local churches

Rev. Beatríz Lopez was a brave church planter in her native Cuba. She defied gender stereotypes and became the overseeing bishop of all Pentecostal Holiness churches in Cuba for many years before her untimely death in 2021. The Mordecai Project is now honoring her work by helping to support the churches she began and to provide training and resources for the pastors and leaders she inspired.
With the funds we raise, The Mordecai Project will be helping to grow congregations, support pastors, fund evangelistic campaigns and new church plants. We also hope to start a ministry to help women and children who suffer from abandonment or marginalization. We want many Cubans to know the same Savior, Jesus Christ, who was preached so faithfully by Beatríz.