• LOCATION: Mzuzu, Malawi
  • PROJECT: Women’s Shelter and Empowerment Center
  • DIRECTOR: Pastors Tony and Grace Mkamanga
  • FINANCIAL NEED: $5,000 annually for supplies and food assistance

In northern Malawi, ancient African traditions still control village life. Some men have been raised to believe that if they rape a 14-year-old girl, they will become prosperous. In addition, some men are told by witchdoctors that they can be cured of the AIDS virus if they have sex with a virgin. As a result, many young girls are mercilessly abused by older men—and sometimes infected. This horrifying practice is accepted in many areas of northern Malawi.

We believe Christians have a responsibility to step into this injustice and bring the protection and healing of Jesus. We plan to build a shelter for young victims, as well as a counseling ministry to help women overcome the emotional wounds of rape and abuse. The pain is great, but Jesus Christ is the source of healing! Tony and Charity Mkamanga became partners of The Mordecai Project in 2016. Then, in 2020, a donor from Singapore–Rev. Naomi Dowdy–gave the funds to build our women’s shelter. We decided to name it Naomi’s House, not only to honor Naomi Dowdy but as a reminder that Naomi in the Bible mentored a young woman named Ruth. We house 16 “Ruths” in this building, which also has classrooms where we teach tailoring classes. We also have a large kitchen where we teach women how to bake so they can start their own businesses. Charity tragically died of cancer in 2023, so now her adult daughter, Grace, runs the center.