- LOCATION: Zanzibar City, Tanzania
- PROJECT: Women’s Rescue Center
- DIRECTOR: Ben Patton and Lena Wadsworth
$6,000 One-year salary for women’s center director
$5,500 Fees for 2023 tailoring classes and literacy program
$30,000 Construction costs for school

We are working with our ministry partners Ben Patton and Lena Wadsworth to help a growing group of women escape from human trafficking in the tourist sector of Zanzibar. In this part of the world, women are promised jobs as hotel workers, but then when they move to Zanzibar they are abused or even forced into marriages. Sometimes they get pregnant, but they are abandoned by the men who abuse them–and then women are stuck with children and no money. We are introducing these women to Jesus, discipling them, and helping them learn vocational skills. We are also offering eyeglasses and literacy training.