Dear Friends of the Mordecai Project:
Thank you so much for praying for me during my long trip to Sri Lanka. That was not the longest flight I have ever been on, but it seemed like it! I was in the air for 23 hours, plus some layovers. God gave me grace (and a pleasant stopover in Singapore) but it took a while to recover from jet lag. Honestly I could feel the prayers during that trip.
Below you can see a group of women worshipping at our women’s conference in the capital city of Colombo. It was such an honor to serve the Lord in this needy harvest field. In Sri Lanka, 70 percent of women have suffered from some form of domestic violence. When I preached about how Jesus heals our pain, the anguish in the room was tangible. Yet the Holy Spirit showed up to heal and comfort.
Four years ago I got connected to the couple below, Dinesh and Kayla Michel. They are associate pastors at Overcomers Church in Colombo, a church that was planted by my friends Woody and Melanie Bloc. I have been mentoring Dinesh and Kayla, and they are also very interested in doing a compassion outreach with The Mordecai Project. We are hoping to launch a women’s counseling center and shelter in the near future. Please pray with us about that!
While in Sri Lanka I also did a special conference for men (below). It seems no matter where I go in the world, men are struggling because of fatherlessness. It is certainly true in Sri Lanka. Men did not receive the affirmation, affection or direction they needed from their dads, so they are struggling in many areas. No wonder many men wrestle with domestic violence and immorality. In our men’s meeting many men were set free from life-controlling habits.
Below are some of the young men who are hungry for discipleship and affirmation in the Sri Lanka ministry. These guys not only came to the men’s event but they also attended other meetings we held for young adults and youth. In one of those sessions I preached about sexual purity, a topic that many churches are shy about addressing. So many youth were able to talk openly about their struggles and they received life-changing counsel and prayer afterwards.
I am so honored to be connected to Dinesh Michel and his wife. He is a gifted young leader, and he has a vision to transform his nation through discipleship. He has started a youth movement called History Makers, and he has invited me to return to Sri Lanka next year to speak at the national conference. Please pray with us about this. We will have the chance to impact youth pastors and emerging leaders from all across the entire island. And Dinesh has already laid the groundwork for a powerful move of God.
Below you can see another scene from our women’s event in Colombo. I preached to them about how the Samaritan woman broke free from the shame of her past so that she could bring the reality of Christ to an entire village. Jesus loves to use women to do that! I believe so many women were touched that day. We began getting calls and emails immediately after the event from women who were changed. One woman who was contemplating suicide was deeply touched and she is free from her dark thoughts. Many others experienced deep emotional healing. Thank you for praying for this breakthrough!
I was very excited that our ministry director from India, Raja, was able to join me while I was in Sri Lanka. We had time to pray together and discuss the progress of the construction of our girls’ home there. Below you can see that workers are now busy laying the foundations and putting in the pylons. It took a long time to get all the permits but we have cleared all the hurdles now! Please pray with us for good weather so the building can be finished soon.
I do have several other prayer requests to share with you:
** I will be preaching at Faith Christian Assembly in Detroit, Michigan this weekend, Aug. 16-18. I will be doing a women’s event and special evening sessions as well as their Sunday morning service.
** Please pray for the construction of the girls’ home in India, as well as the completion of the women’s shelters in Guatemala and Peru. We are trusting God for the final funds needed to finish these projects.
** I will be hosting a special discipleship retreat for 15 men in my home in LaGrange, Georgia, August 22-24. Men are coming from 8 states, and one young man is coming all the way from Singapore. Please pray that the Lord will stand in our midst and mark these men’s lives forever. We will be focusing our time on the leadership lessons of 2 Timothy.
Below are the men who are attending, so that you can pray for them.
** Please join me in prayer to ask for a release of funds for our work. God has always provided for every step of our journey. We also depend on the generosity of God’s servants. At the beginning of the year the Lord promised me that we would have “more than enough” to accomplish all that He has commissioned us to do. Please ask the Lord to move on hearts for a release of these funds.
Thank you again for praying for me and our work around the world. If you’d like to give to our work click on the “Donate” button below to give online, or mail your check to The Mordecai Project, P.O. Box 2781, LaGrange, GA 30241. All gifts are tax-deductible.
We appreciate your commitment to us. And we love you so much!
Lee and Deborah Grady
The Mordecai Project
P.O. Box 2781
LaGrange, GA 30241
The Mordecai Project is a Christian ministry devoted to empowering women, confronting abuse and transforming nations through the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
All gifts are tax-deductible. Secure online donations can be made at our website themordecaiproject.org/donate
Checks can be made out to The Mordecai Project and mailed to:
The Mordecai Project / Bold Venture Ministries
P.O. Box 2781
LaGrange, GA 30241:
Rev. Matt Judd
Good News Church
Augusta, Georgia
Chris Revells
Pickens, South Carolina
Rev. Luis Roig
Casa del Padre
Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico
Rev. Eddie Taylor
Rev. Beth Taylor
Taylor Ministry Group
Deland, Florida
Re. James Graham
International Gospel Outreach
Semmes, Alabama
Rev. Dee Mueller
The Hearth Ministries
Blairsville, Georgia