Healing, protecting
and empowering
women globally.
The Mordecai Project is a Christian ministry devoted to healing, protecting and empowering women around the world. I hope this site will become a valuable resource for you.
When Jesus Christ came to earth 2,000 years ago, He challenged the religious and cultural rules of a male-dominated culture. While other rabbis believed it was improper to teach women the Bible, Jesus called his disciple Mary to sit at His feet. While other religious leaders refused to go near bleeding women, Jesus healed one. While the Pharisees shunned Samaritans and divorced women, Jesus had compassion on the Samaritan divorcee and commissioned her to be an evangelist.
As an author and speaker, I am committed to proclaiming this message around the world—through preaching, teaching, conferences, books, tapes and videos. I invite you to join my team, or simply use this site as a place of healing and spiritual refreshing. Enjoy!

Lee Grady
Director, The Mordecai Project
Our Current Overseas Projects
Our mission is to confront abuse, empower women and transform nations through the gospel of Christ.
The Mordecai Project is confronting all forms of abuse including domestic violence, female infanticide, denial of education to girls, forced prostitution and sex trafficking, female genital mutilation, mistreatment of widows and honor killings. We are calling for the full participation of trained women in church leadership, and we challenge the global church to reject unbiblical religious traditions that encourage gender discrimination.
Our Board of Directors
The Mordecai Project Newsletter
Once or twice a month I update our prayer team and donors about what is happening in our ministry. I invite you to read back issues of our newsletter posted here. We covet your prayer support and invite you to join our team as we confront the abuse of women around the world!