Ministry Newsletter

Prayer Requests from Lee Grady / The Mordecai Project / Sept. 26, 2017

Dear Friends of the Mordecai Project:

My home church recently started a study of the Book of Joshua, so I began reading it again in my personal devotions. Today I was struck by the fact that any ASSIGNMENT from God always begins with a PROMISE from God. In Joshua 1:3, God says: “Every place on which the sole of your foot treads, I have given it to you as a possession.”

I have preached in 30 countries, and I have a habit of collecting rocks from every nation I visit because I believe this verse. The rocks remind me that God gives us territory. He has promised He will use me to spread Christ’s influence wherever I go. My heart’s cry is to see the healing of Jesus spread to every place I visit. I want to see abused women healed; I want to see the men who abuse women get healed; I want to see marriages healed; I want to see churches empower women for ministry. Please agree with me for this!

I have some special requests to share, and then a few praise reports from recent trips:

Below you can see some women from Pakistan holding a sign. They are asking for our ministry to come to their city. I have a Pakistani friend who has been begging me to come there for some time. I have been patiently waiting for the right moment. I feel we are getting closer. Please agree with me for wisdom as we step into this opportunity. Women in Pakistan live under a cloud of oppression, and they need the liberating message of Christ.

Below you can see a group of construction workers in Rio Hondo, Guatemala. They have been working to complete Phase 2 of our women’s shelter, Casa de Ester. We only need $25,000 to finish the project. Please agree with us for these funds.

The construction of our girls’ home in India has been stalled because of some snags involving zoning and local contracts. But as of this month some of these roadblocks have been removed, and we should be able to begin construction soon. Please pray over this complicated process and ask the Lord to grant favor so we can get the house completed. Our girls are ready to move!

We only lack $10,000 to finish the final phase of our Casa de Emanual women’s shelter in Tarapoto, Peru. Please pray with us for these funds. Our volunteers are ready to begin the work of counseling and rehabilitation of domestic violence victims. And the local mayor is so excited to have this project in his city!

Thank you for believing in this vital ministry. We need your prayers and your financial support like never before.

I am also praising God for the ministry breakthroughs that happened in recent weeks. Below you can see me with my spiritual son, Dante Lee Grady, along with Pastor Chris Palmer and his wife, Desirae. Chris is the pastor of Cumberland Worship Center in Crossville, Tennessee, where I spoke two weeks ago at several events. It was very special to have Dante with me as I shared about the importance of reaching the next generation.

I trained the leaders of Cumberland Worship Center in the principles of relational discipleship, and I ministered prophetically to many people. Below you can see some of the leaders who came to that special service. Many churches today are facing the challenge of reaching younger people. I am reminding congregations all over the country that Pentecost is not truly Pentecost if young people are not making this journey with us!

Last weekend I was in Minnesota for three different events. I did a Sunday service at Spirit and Truth Worship Center, a growing church in the inner city of Minneapolis. This church is pastored by Stephanie Bond (below), a gifted leader who I have known for several years. Stephanie met at a conference in Ohio and began reading my books. She has built an amazing church, and her husband Willie has been incredibly supportive.

Below you can see the response at the altar after I preached at Spirit and Truth Worship Center. Truly this was one of my favorite ministry moments of all time! I loved preaching in this church because people were so hungry and responsive, and when they came to the altar for ministry they pulled the prophetic anointing out of me! God touched so many people that day. And then when we finished that service I preached at a Russian church on the other side of town. It was truly a multi-cultural day.

Also while I was in Minnesota I preached at a prophetic conference sponsored by Jubilee Worship Center in St. Cloud. I was hosted by my friends Mark and Becky Johnson. During that event I preached a message about purity that triggered a huge altar ministry time. It was an unforgettable moment—and it reminded me of how much brokenness there is in the body of Christ today. Sexual abuse is an epidemic and the church must be equipped to handle the needs of those affected. I met with leaders of Jubilee to determine how they can do follow-up to bring Christ’s healing to the abused.

One of my favorite moments in that St. Cloud conference happened with this young man below, Joshua, was filled with the Holy Spirit after one of my messages on the Holy Spirit. He is only 11 but he feels a call to pastoral ministry. He was overcome by the Spirit! Later I had him come to the altar and he testified with amazing boldness.

Just a few days ago I had the honor of performing the wedding of Killoran “KC” Berglund and her sweetheart, David Cifuentes. KC served as The Mordecai Project’s first intern, in Colombia and Peru. David is from Colombia and KC is from Wisconsin, so it was a beautiful multicultural wedding held on a lake in Wisconsin. I do hope David and KC will one day be able to serve with us again on the field!

Thanks to all of you who have been praying for my father. Nothing much has changed with his situation. He is stable and happy, even though he did fall again this month. (He was not injured.) He seems a bit more confused these days, but he has a really great attitude and we are thankful for that. Please pray for him and my mother as we navigate this challenging season.

Please also pray with us for my two Bold Venture men’s retreats, which are scheduled for Oct. 12-14 in Jacksonville, Fla., and Oct. 19-21 in Emmitsburg, Maryland. If you want to attend one of these retreats you can register at

And please pray that we will soon be able to begin our projects in Kenya, Uganda, Malawi and Sri Lanka. I have walked on the soil of these nations and I know God’s promise is certain: He has given us the land!

Thank you for believing in our work. Deborah and I love you very much!

Lee and Deborah Grady

The Mordecai Project
P.O. Box 2781
LaGrange, GA 30241





The Mordecai Project is a Christian ministry devoted to empowering women, confronting abuse and transforming nations through the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ.



All gifts are tax-deductible. Secure online donations can be made at our website
Checks can be made out to The Mordecai Project and mailed to:
The Mordecai Project / Bold Venture Ministries
P.O. Box 2781
LaGrange, GA 30241:



Rev. Matt Judd
Good News Church
Augusta, Georgia
Chris Revells
Pickens, South Carolina
Rev. Luis Roig
Casa del Padre
Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico
Rev. Eddie Taylor
Rev. Beth Taylor
Taylor Ministry Group
Deland, Florida
Re. James Graham
International Gospel Outreach
Semmes, Alabama
Rev. Dee Mueller
The Hearth Ministries
Blairsville, Georgia



Rev. Barry St. Clair
East West Ministries
Lilburn, Georgia
Rev. Doug Beacham
Bishop, International Pentecostal Holiness Church
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Rev. Chris Maxwell
Campus Pastor
Emmanuel College
Franklin Springs, Georgia
Rev. David and Angela Munizzi
Catalyst Church
Orlando, Florida
Barry and Myra Goldfarb
Deland, Florida
Mimi Haddad
President, Christians for Biblical Equality
Minneapolis, Minnesota 
Rev. Quentin Beard
Sioux Falls First Assembly
Sioux Falls, South Dakota  
The Mordecai Project / Bold Venture Ministries, P.O. Box 2781, LaGrange, GA 30241, United States