Dear Friends of the Mordecai Project:
When the coronavirus pandemic erupted in March, I panicked because I didn’t know how we would survive financially. I make the majority of my income by traveling and speaking, so when all my trips were canceled I was worried. But God! He is so good. He has taken care of us during these past four months. The story of Elijah being fed by God’s ravens has become very real to me.
Not only did the Lord take care of us, but The Mordecai Project seemed to shift into high gear. Even in a crisis people were generous, and we’ve been able to sustain and expand our overseas projects. We’ve funded feeding programs, launched new ministries and touched whole communities with the gospel. We are so grateful for your help—and your prayers.
We couldn’t do what we do without our partners around the world. Below you can see Susheel and Esther Saleem, who direct our women’s empowerment center in Pakistan. Please pray for them as they serve Jesus in a country where it is difficult to be a Christian.
We started a women’s empowerment center in Faisalibad last year to help a group of needy women learn skills so they can support their families. During the lockdown we’ve been able to provide enough food to feed them for the past four months. Last week we sponsored an outreach event for them and other women. Esther gave them a powerful Bible lesson and we gave out another month’s supply of food and supplies. Below you can see some of the women who attended.
Below you can see Esther leading the women in prayer. Women in Pakistan are at the bottom of the social strata, but Christian women suffer even worse discrimination because they are overlooked for jobs. Your support is helping to lift them up and encourage them.
Below you can see Pastor Elijah Wafula, our ministry director in Moi’s Bridge, Kenya. He is shown with two teachers we hired last month, with donations from our partners. These teachers are going to be doing home visits for the next three months to make sure that the girls from our school are learning. They are also going to make sure they are safe from attempts to force them to endure female genital mutilation. (This is a despicable traditional practice in parts of Kenya; is illegal, but it’s accepted by many families.)
This week we had a special outreach to the girls who attend Pastor Elijah’s school. Our team members taught the girls the importance of sexual purity and the consequences of teen pregnancy, as well as important facts about female mutilation and why they should report anyone who tries to pressure them to do that. In this community, four young girls were recently raped and murdered by unidentified strangers. We are praying for increased safety for all the young people in Moi’s Bridge.
During the outreach we also provided all the girls with feminine hygiene supplies as well as new handbags to carry the pads. In Kenya, many girls actually drop out of school because they don’t have feminine hygiene products. Our prayer is that our girls will be able to stay in school, graduate and be powerful agents of change in Kenya!
A lot is happening in our women’s ministry in Masindi, Uganda. Below you can see some of the women who are serving with Pastor Doreen Kaahwa (center). They are still running the sewing classes to empower women to start businesses. Also we just sent money to expand our pig farm because the pigs are multiplying rapidly! We will be giving many women pigs so they can start their own pig-raising businesses. We believe the key to ending poverty in the developing world is to train and invest in women!
In our ministry in Tanuku, India, our director Raja Undurthi has been able to take food and other relief supplies to many needy families in the area. Below you can see Raja and his team delivering large bags of rice to a family that has been in crisis because of the pandemic lockdown. People in India are seeing the true love of Jesus demonstrated through these gifts. Please pray for our girls’ home there, as we are still trying to finish construction. There have been many delays because of a shortage of sand in India.
Finally, you can see below our friend, Pastor Gisela Morales, giving food to a needy single mother in the isolated community of Saspán, Guatemala. We sent funds there last month to help a group of single mothers who have not been able to work because of the lockdown. We sponsored food giveaways in Saspán and Sansapote, two towns near El Rosario, where we are building our women’s domestic violence shelter.
Even though I’m not traveling much, I have been doing almost daily meetings online. Last week I did this virtual event with a group of Eritrean immigrants to the United States. God moved powerfully in that meeting—and the Lord powerfully touched a young woman who had been considering suicide. I will be doing a follow-up meeting with this group next week. I love discipling young adults!
This week I also spoke at a large church in the city of Vijayawada, India. The pastor has become a dear friend, and he wants me to visit there the next time I come to his nation. This is the second time I have preached at Messiah Church virtually during the pandemic. During the first meeting, a woman who had been suffering from an incurable skin disease was healed, and the pastor said a doctor has verified her healing. I am giving God praise for that miracle!
Meanwhile, in my hometown of LaGrange, Georgia, I have a second disciple from India! I told you last month about how I led an Indian man named Mahipal to Christ and discipled him during the pandemic. On the day that I took him to the Atlanta airport so he could return to India, his boss decided to give his heart to Jesus! So now I am discipling this man in the photo below, whose name is Venkat.
I would never have imagined the world would be in such a crisis as we are seeing today. And yet God is moving in spite of these challenges. Thank you again for believing in this ministry. We love you and we so appreciate your prayers and financial support.
Lee and Deborah Grady
The Mordecai Project
P.O. Box 2781
LaGrange, GA 30241
The Mordecai Project is a Christian ministry devoted to empowering women, confronting abuse and transforming nations through the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
All gifts are tax-deductible. Secure online donations can be made at our website themordecaiproject.org/donate
Checks can be made out to The Mordecai Project and mailed to:
The Mordecai Project / Bold Venture Ministries
P.O. Box 2781
LaGrange, GA 30241:
Rev. Matt Judd
Good News Church
Augusta, Georgia
Chris Revells
Pickens, South Carolina
Rev. Luis Roig
Casa del Padre
Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico
Rev. Eddie Taylor
Rev. Beth Taylor
Taylor Ministry Group
Deland, Florida
Re. James Graham
International Gospel Outreach
Semmes, Alabama
Rev. Dee Mueller
The Hearth Ministries
Blairsville, Georgia