Dear Friends:
I’m on the other side of the world right now—I’m writing you from Singapore! I arrived here a week ago after a 26-hour journey. I have been preaching here for the past several days, and then on June 4, I traveled to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to speak at a conference for five days. Thank you for praying for me! I have had no problems with jet lag or bad food. I am very grateful the Lord has given me a special grace for travel.
Below you can see me with my friend Peter Sam. He is the pastor of the Indonesian fellowship of Cornerstone Church, a 6,000 member congregation in Singapore. I met Peter on one of my earlier trips here, and we became close friends. He and his wife, Alvena, share my passion for discipleship, and God is also using them to lift up women who have been disenfranchised. Most of Peter’s fellowship is made of Indonesian women who are domestic workers in Singapore.
Recently Peter decided to translate my book, “Follow Me,” and it was launched on June 4 here in Singapore. We are also planning a trip together to Indonesia next year to teach the message of the book and to encourage relational discipleship in the churches of that vast island nation. I am very grateful to Peter for his hard work. He also plans to translate and publish my book “Let’s Go Deeper” soon. That book is a tool to help new or lapsed believers to grow in the basics of the faith. It is very needed in Indonesia!
I preached in Peter’s two Indonesian congregations while in Singapore. I also spoke at the Telegu congregation—which is a language of India. There are many Indians, mostly men, who live in Singapore, and they work in the shipping industry. The Lord did some powerful things in these services. Below you can see some prophetic ministry taking place in one of the Indonesian services.
In the Sunday morning service last week, there were dozens of people who responded to an invitation for salvation. It is so refreshing to see how hungry and open people are here to the gospel.
It is truly amazing to see what God is doing with the Indonesians who attend the Cornerstone fellowship. These women are considered to be at the lower end of society, but God is raising them up and training them. Some of them will go back to Indonesia one day to plant churches and to evangelize their nation. Below you can see some of the members of the Indonesian leadership team. I spent a lot of time with them, and prayed and prophesied over all the young leaders.
A few years ago I began mentoring a young man from Pakistan named Susheel. We met online but he ended up coming with me on one of my mission trips to Africa, where he caught the vision for The Mordecai Project’s work among disadvantaged women. His wife, Esther, also developed a strong burden for women who struggle because of abuse and economic marginalization. Today we are about to break ground on our women’s empowerment center, and the Lord has provided the funds for it!
I am so proud of Susheel because he has also caught the vision for discipleship. He learned from me the importance of investing and mentoring in the few. Below you can see his new discipleship group! He is meeting with the men of the village where we are discipling a large group of women. It brings special joy to my heart to see how Susheel is passing on what he has learned to others. The seed of the gospel is multiplying!
I have a special prayer request. Please ask the Lord to supply $20,000 so that we can put the roof on our women’s empowerment center and shelter in Masindi, Uganda. Below you can see some of the women who will be benefitting from this vital ministry. They are standing in front of the shelter that is under construction. God has already provided $70,000 to build this center, which will provide counseling as well as vocational training for the women of the entire city. But we have reached the point where we can’t finish the job until we have the full $20,000 for the roof. If you or your church would be willing to help us, please contact me or go to our website.
Our women’s shelter in Guatemala, Casa de Ester, is fully functioning now, and women are finding healing and protection there. Below you can see one of our staff members, Dalila (right), teaching a woman named Jocelyn how to make tortillas. Jocelyn is serving now as an intern for our project. We are thrilled that the Lord is using this facility to lift so many women so they can make an impact for Jesus. We need your gifts to provide the ongoing operating budget for the shelter.
Deborah and I were very blessed to take part in the wedding of my ministry assistant, Abdiel. He got married to his girlfriend, Sara, on May 18, at a beautiful ceremony in Orlando, Florida, where they are now based. The Lord helped me to preach some of the wedding ceremony in Spanish! The wedding was a beautiful blend of Cuban and Peruvian cultures. We are so proud of Abdiel and Sara. Please pray for God’s richest blessings on them as they begin their life journey together. I will be traveling to Abdiel’s native Cuba with him toward the end of the year.
To give to our overseas work, just hit the “Donate” button below and follow the prompts. To give by check, mail it to The Mordecai Project, P.O. Box 2781, LaGrange, GA 30241.

The Mordecai Project is a Christian ministry devoted to empowering women, confronting abuse and transforming nations through the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
All gifts are tax-deductible. Secure online donations can be made at our website themordecaiproject.org/donate
Checks can be made out to The Mordecai Project and mailed to:
The Mordecai Project / Bold Venture Ministries
P.O. Box 2781
LaGrange, GA 30241:
Rev. Matt Judd
Good News Church
Augusta, Georgia
Chris Revells
Pickens, South Carolina
Rev. Luis Roig
Casa del Padre
Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico
Rev. Eddie Taylor
Rev. Beth Taylor
Taylor Ministry Group
Deland, Florida
Re. James Graham
International Gospel Outreach
Semmes, Alabama
Rev. Dee Mueller
The Hearth Ministries
Blairsville, Georgia